Deck Pressure Washing in Tampa
Have you noticed your decking is looking a little dull these days? Perhaps it’s time for some annual repairs and touch ups that can help to increase curb appeal and extend the lifetime of your investment. Top Pro Cleaning LLC are well-known for being Tampa’s precision deck pressure washing specialists. We go above and beyond to bring your goals to life by working within your budget, meeting tight deadlines, and by offering the best pricing and service on superior deck cleaning and staining. You can count on us for:
- Exceptional results.
- Rapid turnaround and flexible scheduling.
- Licensed technicians with up to date safety training.
- A full arsenal of advanced cleaning tools and service vehicles.
- Polite and respectful staff at every interaction.
- Innovative power washing services that are customized to your needs.
- Value driven rates and upfront estimates.
- Free deck maintenance consultations.
How Long Does it Take to Pressure Wash a Deck?
How long does it take to power wash a house or pressure wash a deck? As soon as we know the unique specifications of your infrastructure, we’ll build you a free quotation that is tailored right to you. We’ll want to know:
- How large is the surface area of the decking?
- What type of wood or material is your patio, porch, our deck composed of?
- What types of fixed materials surround the work area?
- Will the area be cleared of furniture and decorations in advance?
- Does waste water need to be recaptured and disposed of?
- What is the height of the surface we will be working on?
Once we’ve had the chance to answer some questions, we’ll be able to tell you exactly how long it will take us to complete the desired work and what your options for the best results will be.
Our Deck Power Washing and Staining Expertise Covers Most Material Types
Getting wood ready for a new coat of stain usually means using high-powered water to blast away any type of buildup including dirt, grime, debris from animals and nature, grease, oil, sand, salt, and soils of all types. The depth of our knowledge and training covers all material types including:
- Regular and specialty wood and other decking materials
- Tiles
- Bricks
- Concrete
- Siding
Looking for Power Washing Services ‘Near Me’?
Using the Internet to search for power washing services ‘near me’ is a great way to generate a long list of people who claim they are Tampa’s best at power washing a deck. For this reason, it’s important to really do your homework in the planning stages. This way, you can be sure you are dealing with licensed personnel with the skills and reputation you need to get the clean results and fair pricing you desire.
Set up an appointment for a free, onsite consultation at your convenience. We are Tampa’s trusted commercial and residential deck pressure washing resource.